Saba Arife Bozpolat
PhD, Physicist
- Research Assistant, Marmara University Physics Department
- Instructor @QTurkey
- PostDoc @SimuLab
Isotope and Mass Asymmetry Effect on CEP Controlled Molecular Dissociation in the Vicinity of a Nanotip
TUBITAK 1002, 119F250
Laboratory Education using Virtual, Online Tools
Research Associate
Discovery of Defect-Tolerant Species in Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Perovskites via Machine Learning
TUBITAK 1002, 120F321
Carrier-envelope-phase–controlled molecular dissociation by ultrashort chirped laser pulses, Phys Rev A, 100 063409, 2019
Hot-Topic Oral Presentations
Chirp effect on molecular dissociation, S. A. Karakas, P. Rosenberger, M. F. Ciappina, M. F. Kling and I. Yavuz
ECAMP13, Florence, Italy, 2019
Oral Presentations
Isotope Effect on Molecular Dissociation by Intense Laser Fields in The Vicinity of Metallic Nanotip, Saba Arife Karakas, Muratcan Oner and Ilhan Yavuz
TFK35, Bodrum, Turkiye, 2019
Poster Presentations
Controlling Electron Localization in the Dissociation of H2 and HD, Muratcan Oner, Saba Arife Karakas and Ilhan Yavuz
TFK35, Bodrum, Turkiye, 2019
AFM FM İnce Filmlerde AFM Tabaka Kalınlığının Manyetik Anizotropiye Etkisinin Monte Carlo Methodu İle İncelenmesi, KARAKAŞ SABA ARİFE, DURU İZZET PARUĞ, DEĞER CANER, AKTAŞ ŞAHİN, YILDIZ FİKRET, 21. Yoğun Madde Fiziği - Ankara Toplantısı, 2015
Social Media Crew Chief
Programming Languages
Low Level: C, C++, Fortran, Java
Scripting: Python, Bash, Javascript, C#
Scientific: Mathematica, MatLab, SciLab
Cirq (Google), Qiskit (IBM)
Project Management
Git & Github
Slack, Discord
Asana, Jira
English: Proficient
Turkish: Mothertongue
German: Beginner
Spanish: Elementary
Italian: Elementary
Ottoman Turkish: Elementary
Game Production: Unity, PyGame, Unreal Engine 4, Blender Game Engine
Game Design: Blender
Ali Ulvi Yilmazer (Prof.Dr.)
MSc Advisor
Ankara University - Emeretus
Bilkent University